Vladimir Putin - AP |
After his dinner with King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia last
Friday, President Obama took a phone call from Vladimir Putin. Fresh off
of his successful seizure of Crimea, the Russian ruler wanted to discuss Iran,
Syria and other security issues.
Perhaps he felt that the timing was rather fortuitous.
Leverage and lucre from oil and gas enabled Putin to
dismember Ukraine with impunity and is empowering the Russian leader's moves to
militarily subjugate that country and other former Soviet satellites. And
if Putin succeeds in his scheme to create a Russia-allied Shia Axis,
encompassing fellow major oil producers Iran, Syria and Iraq, he will become
even more pernicious.
Obama’s economic sanctions against Russia are laughably lame
– and he seems unlikely to push-back against Putin by bolstering the defenses
of former Eastern Bloc nations or deploying anti-missile systems in the Czech
Republic and Poland.
The one efficacious alternative is an economic warfare
strategy based on energy.
For all of President Putin’s strutting, he’s acutely aware
that $100 per barrel oil is the only thing standing between Russia and a
Brezhnev era-like economic stagnation that would imperil his grip on
So, what Obama should have told President Putin in Friday’s
call is that if he doesn’t stand-down in Ukraine, stop aiding Syria’s Assad and
cease undermining our efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons,
America will catalyze the collapse of world oil prices.
And the president should have used his dinner with Abdullah
to enlist Saudi cooperation in this forceful economic warfare strategy.
After all, Abdullah requested the meeting with President Obama to express his
alarm about our softened stance toward Iran and unwillingness to arm anti-Assad
rebels in Syria.
Iran, already in a depression, would be even less capable of
enduring a significant drop in oil prices than Russia. Thus, helping the
U.S. sink world oil prices would be the best way for the Saudi monarch to both
de-nuclearize Iran and neutralize Iran and Russia, Assad’s indispensable
The Saudis have another compelling reason to collaborate
with us. Given the tumult in its backyard, Saudi Arabia needs U.S. weapons
and military support more than ever. With its low cost of production and
sparse population, the Saudis can absorb lower oil prices with relative
And, this economic warfare strategy must also incorporate
China. That nation has repeatedly aligned with Russia against us on the
international front, provided ongoing aid to our enemies and pursued policies
that debase our economy.
Therefore, in addition to inducing the Saudis to maximize
oil output, President Obama should immediately take the following five
synchronized steps:
1. Authorize a massive release of oil from the U.S.
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and push for a commensurate release from the
International Energy Agency (IEA) reserves.
To President Obama’s credit, he authorized a “test release”
of five million barrels from the SPR on March 14. Oil analysts credit
that action with a $2 retreat in world oil prices. The U.S. and IEA
together could release seven million barrels of oil per day for several months
– representing almost half of the combined Russian and Iranian
production. That would drastically impact world markets.
With the dramatic increase in North American oil production,
our ability to replace a significant amount of oil with other fuels and the
Saudis on our side, the risk of an oil supply shock is significantly less than
when the SPR was created in the ‘70s.
Allowing President Putin to continue his bellicosity and
Iran to develop nuclear weapons is far more ominous for U.S. national security
and global stability.
2. Launch a real “All of the Above” American
energy policy.
President Obama can use the pretext of global crises and
weak U.S. job growth to sideline his party’s environmental extremists.
Using his “pen and phone," he should fast-track the Keystone XL pipeline,
jumpstart oil and gas production offshore and on federal lands, freeze all EPA
anti-fracking regulations and incentivize utilities to rapidly bring more
natural gas electric power plants online.
Ohio State University has developed an exciting clean coal
technology which, unlike “carbon capture,” actually works. The research
was jointly funded by the government and the private sector. President
Obama should exponentially increase investment to scale this clean coal
The government should also continue aggressively developing
renewable energy – but through funding of that kind of basic research, not
Solyndra-style crony capitalism.
3. Accelerate approvals for U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas
(LNG) export facilities
While ramped-up LNG export infrastructure won’t immediately
impact the Ukraine situation, it will substantially degrade Russia’s ability to
use energy for extortion in future years. The U.S. government should also
foster deals between our gas producers and European nations that will help them
fully exploit their natural gas reserves.
4. Deploy additional military assets in the Straits of
Hormuz to forestall any Iranian moves to impede oil tanker traffic.
This new paradigm of all-out American energy production,
opportunistic SPR and IEA reserve releases and coordinated Saudi production
increases would wring the “fear premium” out of world oil prices. It
could quickly drive down oil futures by $20 per barrel or more.
The radical pro-domestic energy policy shift would be a boon
to our oil and gas industry, more than offsetting any ill effects from less
artificially-inflated oil prices.
5. Offer China a “carrot and a stick”
President Obama should privately warn China that “due to
sustained, deleterious government currency manipulation,” he will seek
imposition of a 20% duty on all Chinese imports – unless China
stops supporting and selling arms to Iran and Syria, desists from its U.S.
intellectual property theft and computer hacking and makes a colossal financial
contribution to our clean coal effort.
The carrot for China: economically beneficial lower
oil prices brought about by the new U.S. energy policies and much quicker clean
coal commercialization, crucial to ameliorating China’s environmental
This cohesive economic warfare strategy is an exquisite
expression of American “soft power” –potent but not militarily
provocative. It would eviscerate the Russian and Iranian economies –
potentially resulting in regime change.
It would severely impair Iran’s nuclear weapons
It would likely induce Russia and Iran to withdraw support
for Syria’s Assad – precipitating his fall from power.
And with Russia, Iran and China no longer empowering its
enemies, and fewer petrodollars enriching Islamic terrorists and Iran’s
malevolent mullahs, Israel would be significantly stronger.
President Obama, with fervent Republican support, should
launch this audacious strategy right now.
Lee Spieckerman is President and CEO of SpieckermanMedia
LLC. Follow him on Twitter@Spieckerman.
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