Question. Who's the one '16 Democratic
Presidential candidate who would not only solve President Obama's problem of having to make
a choice between Hillary and Biden – but also clear the Dem
Hint #1 – The national
figure with the 70%+ approval rating
Hint #2 – The enforcer
of ideological purity; the keeper of the flame
Hint #3 – One of, if
not the, most effective and charismatic speakers on the national
Hint #4 – Organizing
For Action (OFA)…continuation of the mighty
Obama election machine…to “push for the President’s agenda.” Seriously? As
any politically-savvy person knows, that machine was only designed for one
purpose: to elect a President. It has not been, and never will be, a force for
enacting legislation.
Hint #5 – “Don’t Cry
for Me”
This beloved national
leader mentored Barack Obama. Her brother said that her family always believed that SHE would run for President
in a bottle amidst a reed-thin ’16 Dem Presidential
She is just as smart as Hillary (certainly in her and her husband’s minds) but doesn’t carry the baggage of having presided over a failed health plan that didn't pass - yet led to a Dem midterm shellacking anyway.
The alternatives?
Hillary: despite her thirst for the nation's highest office, she might be unable or unwilling to pursue it. And, who knows, Hillary might even end up being held accountable for the egregious Benghazi security incompetence and cynical cover-up. How helpful that would be for Team Obama. Let's see how vociferously the President defends his former Secretary of State in the wake of the Benghazi hearings.
Biden: he may have
been best captured in a quote ascribed to Roger Ailes: Joe is a man for whom
people have a soft-spot, but he’s dumb as an ashtray.
And, given the Dems' demographics and direction, both Hillary and Joe
will, by 2016, be even more "yesterday."
Andrew Cuomo: revered
name, big state, prodigious funding, yet…a NYC brogue inexplicably even more
pronounced than his Dad's – while he pales in gravitas and appeal. Andrew's idea
of eloquence is shouting his speeches. Politics for the hard-of-hearing.
MARTIN O'MALLEY??? A walking
SNL skit. Not just an empty suit – a suit bereft of a
Hickenlooper? Tim
Pawlenty without the charisma.
The only other Dem
even close to having a Presidential mien – not to mention that almost unheard-of
Dem candidate trait, a track record of business success – is California
Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom. But his personal scandals may be an
obstacle, even in the Dem primaries. And, while Newsom was in the forefront in support of same-sex marriage, he might be too rational to successfully run the Dem Presidential gauntlet.
Some might say that
the First Lady lacks sufficient experience. First, she has more private sector
experience than her husband (including, ironically, much more first-hand
knowledge of the health care arena). Secondly – and conveniently – Barack Obama
set the resume bar so low that his wife can now easily traverse
This is a personality
cult Presidency in the post-Kardashian era. And Michelle is no Kim
Obama will have a
perpetually "transformative but still unfinished agenda." The legions of Obama
acolytes don’t want to see the Obama reign end.
Barack’s and
Michelle’s Rasputin, Valerie Jarrett, probably doesn't want the ride to end in
'17, either.
Valerie Jarrett, the Chicago slumlord millionaire. FDR's Harry Hopkins
without the brain; Nixon's Bob Haldeman in a skirt. VJ has unusually intimate access
to the first family and holds inordinate sway with every top White House and
political advisor. She not only whispers into the Obamas’ ears, she
can see to it that the others in the inner circle provide concordant
Michelle’s appeal to
women, minority voters and young people – the fulcrum of Barack Obama’s wins in
’08 and ’12 – would match, and perhaps among women, even exceed – that of her
husband. She, of course, would completely neutralize one of Hillary’s greatest political assets: her potential to be
the “historic” first woman President.
Michelle, always above
the fray, would also be relatively untainted by continued economic lethargy and
DC stalemate - barring an ’08-scale economic
And in ’16, Michelle’s
nest will be half-empty, with Malia in college – and Sasha will only be two years
away from leaving home.
So, the question is,
if Michelle decides to seek the ’16 Dem nomination, exactly who stands in her
I tested my theory
with two of the top "mainstream media" DC correspondents. For the first, it was
so far outside of the realm of possibility that it took all of the above “hints”
for him to even come up with Michelle. Tellingly, he, and the other media
luminary, really had no specific rebuttals to the above points.
Both dismissed
Michelle’s candidacy for one reason: “She doesn’t have the drive to make a
Do they know this
woman? Have they been paying attention?
By the way, guess who would
be President Michelle Obama's first appointment to a vacant SCOTUS seat.
But we’re getting
ahead of ourselves.
I’m not by any means
saying Michelle definitely will seek to succeed her husband. But the fact the
First Lady has become ubiquitous – including her surprise appearance at
the Oscars – certainly comports with this construct.
Watch for more
calculated insinuation of Michelle into American pop culture…and more of
Michelle deftly wading into issues beyond teen obesity. Let's see if Barack
appoints Michelle to a more substantive task force-like position (if I were President Obama,
I'd deploy Michelle to work with governors to rescue Obamacare).
In the unfortunate event that Illinois Sen. Kirk's
health declines, forcing him to leave office, will Michelle seek the
By many accounts, in
’07, Barack Obama was gunning for the VP nomination; Hillary was seemingly invincible. The goal was to acquit himself well, prove he could run a tough race,
eliminate all other candidates from serious VP consideration. Of course, the Clintons would have reveled in selecting the first African American Vice President.
Then, Obama won
Suddenly, it was…OMG, we can actually win this!
I submit that
Michelle’s now latent Presidential campaign is where Barack’s was in early ’07.
All of the pieces are in place, the campaign machine currently christened “OFA”
continues to hum. There’s a lot of powder being kept dry and Michelle’s star
power is being exploited as never before.
Keep your eyes on the First Lady.