The nearly
$700 billion government K-12 superstructure of unions, administrators, school
board politicians and bureaucrats, jealously guard their failed construct. They
love to divert from the alarming facts:
- The
U.S. spends, in inflation-adjusted dollars, more than three-times per
pupil what we spent on public education in the early 1960s – among the highest expenditures per pupil in the developed world.
- Yet
our country ranks in the high teens and 20s among developed countries in
academic performance.
- Pupil-to-teacher
ratios are the lowest in our history.
- In
most school systems, there is a 1:1 ratio of non-teaching to teaching
personnel, an inexcusable level of bloat not present at any reputable
private, charter or parochial school.
Nowhere is
the egregious performance of government-controlled schools more harmful than to
the POC pupils. African Americans are already suffering from the vestiges of
the synchronized post-WWII conspiracies to suburbanize whites and ghettoize
African Americans – which created today’s inner city cauldrons of privation and
dysfunction – and Wall Street-designed trade policies that deindustrialized big
cities, disproportionately destroying African American jobs, incomes and
As if that
wasn’t sufficiently impairing, inner city minority children are tethered to the
worst schools in the developed world. Those schools’ drop-out rates, graduation
rates, performance on standardized tests and college readiness metrics aren’t
even close to acceptable. Much less world-class. With very few exceptions, the
government-run inner city schools America’s children of color attend are a
To attain
the American dream, every African American child must finally have a
strong start. Right now, we’re not even close to giving it to them.
In the New
York City public school system, which does an atrocious job for African
American pupils, teachers awaiting disciplinary hearings are paid full salary –
$70,000 a year and more – to use their iPhones to Facebook and surf
the Web.
And in just
the past two years:
- A crippling teacher’s strike shut down Seattle schools.
- Atlanta public schools are still reeling from a pervasive fraudulent testing scandal.
- And in Detroit, a teacher sickout by their union kept thousands of kids out of the classroom. Then a multi-million-dollar kickback scheme was uncovered, involving multiple school principals, that further sapped precious dollars from this already cash-strapped district.
And this is just a sampling of the outrageous scandals and educational malpractice at large government-run school systems across the country.
Let’s face
it. "Reform" of large public school systems is impossible. Some of
the smartest people in the country, from Joel Klein in New York City to
Michelle Rhee in DC to Roy Romer in Los Angeles to Arne Duncan in Chicago, have
tried to fix the bloated, union-dominated, corrupt school systems in our
biggest cities. None have succeeded. It’s akin to Soviet premier Gorbachev’s
attempt to fix communism through Perestroika in the 1980s. You just can't get there from
Here are
just a few examples:
- Harlem Children's Zone’s Promise
Academies, New York City. Geoffrey Canada,
founder and former CEO has said, “If we can’t fire (bad teachers),
we should send them to the upper middle class neighborhoods. Because
those kids can afford a year of a bad teacher. Poor kids can’t afford
it.” Harlem
Children's Zone also offers a comprehensive range of before and after school
- At Washington, DC’s Thurgood Marshall Academy, 100 percent of the
school’s graduates are accepted into college. And two-thirds of those students
finish college, a rate that is higher than the national average—and about eight
times the rate for D.C. students in general. A third of TMA’s entering
ninth-graders start off at or below a fifth-grade level of proficiency in math
and reading.
- Success Academy, New
York City. Though it serves primarily poor, mostly black and Hispanic students,
Success is a testing dynamo, outscoring schools in many wealthy suburbs, let
alone their urban counterparts. In New York City last year, a pathetic 29
percent of public school students passed the state reading tests, and 35
percent passed the math tests. At Success schools, the corresponding
percentages were 64 and 94 percent.
- Democracy Prep schools, in New
York and New Jersey, operate the highest performing school in Central Harlem
and are ranked the number one public middle school in New York City.
- Urban Prep, in Chicago. For a
remarkable fourth consecutive year, every single graduating senior at Chicago’s
majority black Urban Prep Academy high school have been accepted at four-year
colleges or universities this fall.
- KIPP Academies
throughout the country. In addition to stellar academic results, the KIPP
Through College program supports students after they complete KIPP, through
- St. Philip’s in Dallas,
Texas. Operated by the Dallas Episcopal Diocese, St. Philip’s, in low
income, predominantly minority South Dallas, works to lift the whole
neighborhood. All pupils graduate high school; many go to college.
documentaries, “Waiting for Superman” and “The Lottery,” captured
the desperation of parents trying to get their children into charter schools
through annual lotteries. Success Academies, for instance, receives more than
22,000 applications for less than 3,000 seats.
Those who
advocate charter schools and tying K-12 education funding to the pupil, rather
than defaulting the dollars to failed government school systems, are met with
the Orwellian mantra that this “takes money from public schools.” That’s like
saying that when someone elects to use T-Mobile or Sprint, he or she is “taking
money” from AT&T and Verizon!
But at least AT&T and Verizon provide
solid service!
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and, while
governor of Indiana, vice president Mike Pence, signed America’s most
far-reaching school choice laws. They should be models for our country. Every
state should be able to offer its least advantaged kids the kind of school
choice Nevada and Indiana provide their children.
But the
teacher’s unions hate charter, private and parochial schools. Because
those schools are wonderful for great teachers – but not for the teachers
unions. And make no mistake, the teachers unions are the most noxious force in
education today. A few years ago, a top official of the NEA teachers union, actually said in a speech – listen
to this – that the NEA is successful,
because we care about children,
not because
we have a vision of a great public school for every child
but because
we have power
and we have
there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us
hundreds of
millions of dollars in dues each year.
Can you
believe that? Disgusting! And there’s zero indication the NEA’s power- and
money-hungry paradigm has shifted.
So, since
the NEA teachers union donates enormous amounts of money to Democratic
politicians, millions of poor African American and Latino children remain entrapped in execrable schools, forced to play the lottery for even a small chance of escaping.
Meanwhile, almost all the children of the elites and the politicians attend exclusive, expensive private schools.
If that
isn’t a rigged system, I don’t know what is!
Betsy DeVos
is a formidable crusader for children, passionate about unwinding that rigged
system. It’s crucial that she be quickly confirmed so she can commence
the vital mission of unchaining children of color from wretched government-run
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