Free trade is the economic
issue Donald Trump has rightly made the centerpiece of his campaign – and on
which he’s been consistent for many years. No issue better illustrates how the elites’ and most
voters’ interests collide.
President Bill Clinton and Hillary brought the pernicious
paradigm of
free trade and an
unleashed financial sector
to denouement in the 1990s.
Robert Rubin, who had been co-chair of
Goldman Sachs before becoming Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury, brazenly
instructed members of the incoming administration that the rich “are running
the economy and make the decisions about the economy” (though not recorded,
Rubin undoubtedly added, “And if we help Wall Street, they have a ton of dough
with which to help us”).
An aside for context: the oft-exalted Rubin would go on to
become a key member of Citigroup’s leadership team, heaping up huge bonuses as the
bank gorged on sub-prime mortgage instruments. Rubin rode Citi all the way down
through the ’08 crash and, conveniently, helped the institution – which should
have been dismembered and dissolved – amass billions in capital from taxpayers.
This further insulated him and other Citi bigwigs from the consequences of
their ruinous decisions and deplorable dereliction.
ith hearty
encouragement from Rubin and his cadre of Wall Street cronies, President
Clinton enacted the Financial Services Modernization Act of
1999, which repealed a number of
Depression-era financial regulations. Clinton also forcefully pushed
Senate ratification of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and was
a huge booster of opening trade with China - moves also celebrated by Wall
Street and big corporations. He signed the bill normalizing trade relations
with China and laid the foundation for its entry into the World Trade
Organization (WTO) the year he left office. China showed its gratitude by illegally funneling hundreds
of thousands of dollars (and those are just the amounts government
investigators were able to uncover)
to the Clinton campaign coffers. Once Bill left office,
the Bill and Hillary Clinton foundation became the new
vessel for Chinese
Meanwhile, Wall Street fat cats, greatly enriched by Clinton's policies and the
Clinton-reappointed Alan Greenspan's financier-friendly Fed, upheld their end
of the bargain, becoming (and remaining) the Democratic Party's most prodigious
contributors. The candidate Trump has aptly dubbed “Crooked Hillary” has
continued the family tradition of Wall Street enabling and groveling, as
exemplified by her lavishly compensated speeches to Goldman Sachs and other
financial behemoths. Despite Bernie Sanders' attempts during the primary
campaign to shame HRC into releasing the transcripts of those speeches, they
remain cloistered – far better protected than were our state secrets on
Hillary’s private email server.
The elites and Team Hillary are rightly terrified of Trump
because he’s a real rebel candidate who can actually win.
Hillary and the financial and political patricians to whom
she’s beholden are savoring the fruits of the status quo while American workers
are being hosed. That’s why,
decades of free trade disinformation from the establishment in both parties,
voters are backing Trump’s long-held anti-free trade views. According to a
Bloomberg Poll, almost two-thirds
of Americans now favor more restrictions on imported goods instead of fewer.
And the facts are on their side.
The charts below depict an American economic horror story
that commences in the late 1970s – when the United States began running trade
deficits for the first time in nearly a century.
The contraction in labor force participation, the collapse
of salaries and wages as a percentage of GDP and the historically high level of profits,
the dramatic distension of American income inequality – so often treated as a
perfect storm of mysterious origin by economists and politicians – are, in
fact, concomitant with our monstrous trade deficits.
Establishment leaders frequently ascribe most of these
catastrophic metrics to rapid advances in technology. That’s an odd theory, as there was quite an impressive array of
technology introduced in the trade deficit-free 25 years from 1948 through
1973, when worker incomes were far higher – and corporate profits far lower –
as a percentage of GDP. And economic growth was, on average, much more robust
than the barely above two percent we’ve endured over the past decade – an
unprecedented duration of such weak GDP growth.
But despite this plethora of deeply disquieting data, the
malevolent mirage that was Clintonomics continues to be touted by Hillary and
extolled by the elites. Meanwhile, establishment-employed “economic luminaries”
are attempting to discredit Trump’s ideas by emanating grandiloquent garbage
masquerading as policy analysis.
Early in Trump’s campaign, Republican economists Larry
Kudlow and Steve Moore penned an alarmist attack on Trump’s trade and
immigration platform in
Review. For an article crafted by two of the party’s smartest folks, it was
an astoundingly lame piece of work
which I readily debunked. Moore has since attenuated his enthusiasm for free trade
and become a key Trump economic advisor.
Irwin’s archetype of pro-free trade propaganda starts with
two Orwellian propositions, “Trade deficits are not inherently good or bad;
they can be either, depending on circumstances. The trade deficit is not a
scorecard.” And, “What’s more, eliminating the trade deficit would not, on its
own, make America great again.”
Based on the charts, that’s akin to claiming, “Cigarette
smoking isn’t inherently good or bad; it can be either.” After all, smoking
relieves stress and promotes weight loss! The huge numbers of premature
smoking-related deaths save us a fortune in Social Security and Medicare
outlays! And quitting smoking “on its own” won’t make you healthy again, so why
Contrary to Irwin’s idiocy, given its deleterious impact on
American jobs and wages, our country must consider the trade deficit a
scorecard. I challenge him to name another large, prosperous nation which has
maintained a massive trade deficit for nearly half a century.
Our overall 2015 real dollar non-petroleum trade deficit
($663.9 billion) was the highest on record. As was our deficit with Germany
($74.2 billion), South Korea ($28.3 billion) and the European Union ($153.3
billion). And we still run a $68 billion trade deficit with Japan.
But China accounts for more than half of our yawning trade
gap – $365.7 billion in 2015 – also a record. That’s a billion dollars a day – to put it in perspective, this is
considerably more than half our annual defense budget.
Trump has
basked in China’s attacks on him for calling out that nation’s devious trade practices. “I’m
so happy China is upset with me,” he's crowed. “They have waged economic war
against us…it’s been the biggest theft.” The frightful data below affirm that
Trump wasn’t engaging in hyperbole.
While America’s free trade sellout has been dreadfully
destructive to our country as a whole, it’s been cataclysmic for cities and
towns that were the industrial centers of our country. Once as vibrant as is
Silicon Valley today, these former manufacturing hotbeds in the Midwest and
Northeast are now decrepit and dysfunctional. And no group in America has been
more adversely impacted than African Americans living in those inner cities.
Henry Ford, the father of automobile mass production, was
also one of the first large employers to hire African American workers. The
rest of the automobile industry followed, which contributed mightily to the
massive migration of African Americans from the Jim Crow south to Detroit and
other northern industrial cities. This did much to germinate the black middle
class in America. But the decline of American manufacturing – caused by our
idiotic and immoral free trade policies – hit the black community especially
hard. In 1975, 40 percent of young Midwestern black men were employed in
manufacturing; by 1990,
proportion had dropped to just 10 percent.
the Clintons’ disastrous Wall Street-designed trade policies, favoring China,
Mexico and many other countries, further ravaged the African American
community. African-American family incomes, already considerably lower than
their white cohorts, are down by about $2,200. The wealth gap between African
Americans and whites has widened tremendously, and African-Americans have
regained far fewer of the jobs lost in the Great Recession than other
while China, Mexico and South Korea have gained millions of jobs since the
Clinton era commenced in the ‘90s, African American workers have been
devastated and opportunities for their children destroyed.
elites and establishment news media constantly talk about “White Working Class
Voters.” When was the last time you heard the term, “Black Working Class
Voters”? That speaks volumes about how insensitive and out of touch America’s
establishment media really is. Hillary and her elite patrons don’t want voters
to know this, but black working class workers and white working class voters
have a lot in common: both are being racked by a rigged system.
China, like longtime export titan Japan, systematically
devalues its currency – in effect, discounting the cost of wages and products
in that country relative to the U.S. dollar. It has a labyrinth of written and
unwritten policies to minimize U.S. imports. Though its economy is second in size only to ours, incredibly, we export far less to China than we do to Mexico and Canada,
each a fraction of China’s size. American companies wanting to sell autos,
aircraft, machinery and other high value goods in China must manufacture there.
And, inevitably, that involves making our valuable intellectual property
available to our Chinese competitors.
How long will America’s now world-leading aviation
industry, America’s new industrial hubs in the south – indeed, how long will
Silicon Valley itself – be safe from the depredations of unchecked, unethical
competition from China and other nations?
While Secretary of State, Hillary effusively described TPP
as “The gold standard” of trade agreements. But, near the end of the primary
season, following withering assaults on her free trade position from Bernie and
Trump, Hillary cravenly withdrew her support for TPP. Soon thereafter, longtime
Clinton courtier, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, candidly but damningly
asserted that
would again support TPP if elected.
In defending our country’s indefensible trade policies,
Irwin’s Times piece employs the model of
"BananaLand" and "CarNation.”
Imagine a world where there are only two countries, and
only two products. One country makes cars; the other grows bananas.
People in CarNation want bananas, so they buy $1 million
worth from people in BananaLand. Residents of BananaLand want cars, so they buy
$2 million of them from CarNation.
That difference is the trade deficit: BananaLand has a $1
million trade deficit; CarNation has a $1 million trade surplus.
But this does not mean that BananaLand is “losing” to
CarNation. Cars are really useful, and BananaLandites got a lot of them in
exchange for their money.
First, where does "BananaLand" obtain the $1
million each year to cover its trade deficits with "CarNation"? It must forgo $1 million in other expenditures and investments and/or borrow the
money - perhaps from "CarNation" itself - and/or sell valuable assets to those in other countries. Any "BananaLand" debt to cover the "CarNation"
trade deficits will either require reducing future investments and
consumption or force "BananaLand" to print more of its money to pay
off the debt - which leads to "BananaLand" inflation and eroded
purchasing power. Assets sold to fund import consumption will cause a huge future opportunity cost for "BananaLand."
And, more fundamentally, what country wouldn't prefer to have an economy built on
auto production, with its attendant well-paying jobs and spin-off economic benefits, instead of banana production? And what sane nation would consciously morph from car-based to banana-based? In effect, America is doing
exactly that, becoming "BananaLand" – de-industrializing and
incurring enormous trade deficit debt due to cataclysmic Clintonian trade and
economic policies. Policies which were also championed by most Republicans and continue
to be lauded by Irwin and his elite patrons.
And, as China, Japan and other export powerhouses
demonstrate, Irwin’s cute little model becomes even more specious when
competing nations engage in rampant currency manipulation, import suppression
and export-driven industrial policies. And to make matters worse, as we'll see,
how our trading partners spend the stockpiles of dollars they amass in trade
surpluses can have huge – and often very negative – consequences for the United
A lower cost labor force is not a “competitive advantage”
for a country any more than it is for a company. Nordstrom’s, Google,
Starbuck’s and Apple are famous for expending more for employee pay and
benefits than their cohorts. It seems to be working for them.
Despite an overweening government and onerous labor laws,
Germany is the economic dynamo of
Europe and one of the most formidable exporters in the world, with
huge trade surplus. This certainly
hasn’t been brought about by low wages –
German factory compensation is nearly one third higher
than in the U.S. Germany has
encouraged its industries to aggressively export while training and nurturing
In addition, Germany effected an artful currency manipulation of its
own by
driving adoption of the Euro. This enabled the country to effectively devalue its
currency – which would have been politically impossible with the Deutsche Mark – making
its exports cheaper and, simultaneously, solidifying German hegemony over the
European economy.
Clearly, while the U.S. continues its economy-imploding
iteration of globalism, China and Germany – along with Japan, South Korea and
many other countries – are ascending by practicing mercantilism. As Trump has
repeatedly and vociferously stated, it’s time for the U.S. to get smart.
As I outlined in my rebuttal to Kudlow’s and Moore’s op-ed,
I submit that the United States’ unique combination of rule of law (once it
resumes), capacity for innovation, infrastructure, natural resources, diversity
of people and culture gives us a competitive advantage in virtually every area
of economic endeavor. That’s not jingoism, it’s demonstrable. For instance,
given the huge technological leaps in 3-D printing and advanced robotics
germinated at American universities and research labs, there’s no reason
iPhones can’t, in the foreseeable future, be fabricated here instead of assembled
by thousands of Chinese workers at Foxconn. All our “stuff” – from cars to
computer chips to kitchen appliances – have to be manufactured somewhere. Why
isn’t our government doing everything possible to collaborate with our
companies and internationally-envied educational and research institutions to
make it here?
When U.S. jobs disappear or aren’t created due to hordes of
low cost workers accessed overseas, enormous economic and social problems arise
in our country that overwhelm what American consumers gain through lower priced
imported goods.
What Trump intuitively gets – and our elites have long only
paid lip service to – is that
America needs to start treating its people as our greatest competitive
advantage. Our citizens are devoted to this country, share our values, support our
religious institutions and charities, raise our children. Keeping American
workers working is a sound investment in a valuable economic asset – and social
stability. A job isn’t just a production input. It isn’t just a livelihood. For most
people, a job is life.
And, except for those fortunate few who come from well-heeled families or have
ready access to capital, having a sufficiently paying job is the crucial
financial foundation for starting a business. The dwindling of robust middle
income jobs and the stagnation in worker incomes in our era of trade deficits
have eroded American entrepreneurship. Start-up density (new employer
businesses divided by the total population) is far lower than it was in the
late 1970s and
below typical historical rates. Since new small businesses are the driving force
in our economy, this paucity of startups is undoubtedly a big reason for
America's protracted period of anemic growth.
It’s time that we reprise a simple, central theory
that used to be Republican – not just Trumpian: America has to work for our
workers, not just our executives, investors and political class.
A U.S. market with fairer foreign competition hardly gives
our businesses a free ride. Unlike the state-dominated economy in China, the
American domestic marketplace is brutally competitive. Our consumers will still
assiduously price shop. Walmart and Amazon will still grind down suppliers. But, without
the easy availability of dirt-cheap foreign labor, it will be more financially
advantageous for U.S. manufacturers to enhance worker training while developing
ingenious ways to achieve efficiencies. And, unlike China, we don’t have teems
of people pouring into our cities from rural areas looking for jobs, so
rationalizing our trade policy can make an impact in a few years, not decades.
Returning to Irwin’s piece in The Times, after insulting his
readers’ intelligence with economic sophistry, he lapses into diplomatic lunacy. Irwin ominously
warns that staunching the bleeding of U.S. trade deficit dollars to other
countries would threaten the dollar’s global primacy as a currency, impairing
our ability to conduct foreign policy and impose economic sanctions. This
canard would be laughable if it wasn’t so deceitful.
As Irwin must know, the U.S. dollar became globally
preeminent shortly after World War I and dominant after the Bretton Woods
Agreement near the end of World War II – more than 30 years before America
began running trade deficits. Somehow, during those trade deficit-free decades,
the U.S. managed to achieve the highest standard of living in human history
while serving as the unquestioned leader of the free world.
The sheer size of the U.S. economy, its liquidity, stability and
relative transparency and our government's peerless creditworthiness, make the dollar an indispensable safe haven for
foreigners. This, along with the enormous scale of our financial infrastructure
and our military supremacy –
not our trade deficit – are why the U.S. dollar continues to occupy a commanding
position among global currencies.
In fact, far from bolstering the dollar’s international standing,
our trade deficits are dangerously destabilizing. According to a
Georgetown University study,
our gargantuan global trade imbalance may have been a key
cause of the 2008 financial crash and the subsequent Great Recession. The paper
quotes former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke as stating, “It is
impossible to understand this (financial) crisis without reference to the
global imbalances in trade and capital flows that began in the latter half of
the 1990s.” Bernanke goes on to say, “the global imbalances did not cause the
leverage and housing bubbles, but they were a critically important
In addition to inflating financial bubbles, that surfeit of
U.S. trade deficit cash from overseas is the source of other serious economic
distortions that do long term damage to our country. Much of that money pours
into U.S. treasury debt, which keeps the federal government’s borrowing costs
artificially low – camouflaging the true cost of our government and obscuring
the calamitous consequences of its burgeoning debt. And the proceeds from our
monstrous trade deficits are used to acquire valuable U.S. assets, including
manufacturing plants that can be shut down or hollowed out to accommodate the
desires of the foreign owners (many of which are controlled by their
governments); buy high tech firms possessing processes and patents that can be
transferred to the host country – eliminating a U.S. competitive advantage and
putting our national security at risk; and purchase residential real estate in New
York, Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay area and other alluring locales, which
further increases the already prohibitive cost of housing for our citizens in
big cities.
So, the truth on trade is the exact opposite of Irwin’s ludicrous
construct. Substantially reducing or eliminating our trade deficit would
enhance the dollar’s standing by giving the U.S. a more robust, sustainable
economy, fewer financial bubbles and probably help motivate politicians to
start lowering federal government debt.
Finally, it's fascinating that The Times, so supportive of the
radical environmentalist agenda, ignores the reality that by sending industrial
production outside the U.S. through free trade, we're offshoring our
environmental enforcement to China and other nations which have egregiously lax
and routinely evaded emissions laws.
So, Trump’s trade policies would not only energize our
economy but help protect our planet.
It’s disheartening that the vast majority of politicians,
journalists and pundits lazily lap up the establishment’s free trade drivel,
aiding and abetting the corrosion of America’s middle class and the collapse of
African American jobs and incomes. And even worse that so many who know better
cynically advance it to achieve their own selfish ends.
The only Americans who’ve benefited from our obtuse trade
policies and the
outsized financial sector they have fueled are the shareholders and executives of
corporations that offshore jobs and import cheap products, the Wall Street
players who luxuriate in U.S. trade deficit lucre, and the members of the
political class - who are richly rewarded with money and power to preserve
the odious economic order Bill and Hillary fostered, the elites fervently
favor, and Trump has vowed to overhaul.
If Hillary Clinton is elected President, women will have a
very bad #EqualPayDay.
Because an intolerable number of men and women are jobless or underemployed due
to the Clintons, their elite cronies and countless Republican enablers.
And how
can a higher minimum wage possibly increase incomes when all but America’s best
educated and most advantageously situated workers are continually undercut by
unbridled importing and offshoring?
Trump can defeat “Crooked Hillary” in November – for the
very same reason that the elites are relentlessly scheming to stop him. As my
friend Newt Gingrich
stated well on Fox News Channel, “Donald Trump is the greatest threat to the establishment
in my lifetime. If you’re a part of the establishment, he’s a horrifying
figure. They’re going, ‘Oh my God, if he won, he’d actually change
Not a moment too soon.